I am Mela thara (top street) Joghi Gowder’s son / daughter - Na Mela thara Joghi gowdaru maathi / hennuģ. Whose son/daughter are you ? - Nee dara maathi / hennu ?Ĩ. My village is Bearhatti - Enna Hatti bandu Bearhattiħ. Which is your village ? - Ninna Hatti edu ?Ħ. What is your name ? - Ninna hesaru aena ?ĥ. Yes, I am a Badaga - Ha, Na ondu Badagaģ. Are you a Badaga ? - Nee ondu Badagana?Ģ. ‘Suddi saddha ella olliththa ? - (Roughly) ‘ How is everything ? ‘ġ. The reason for this is that BADAGA language DOES NOT HAVE A SCRIPT).

Lot of Badaga words have been forgotten and hence become extinct. This is not due to lack of words in Badaga. It appears that there are none who know ‘PURE’ Badaga. ( Now,Badaga is spoken very differently due to the influence of Tamil and English in education and profession. He is of the opinion that Badaga can be traced back to 2300 years. He goes on to quote a few verses where ‘vadaga’ is mentioned. One of the most interesting information Sivaji Raman conveys in his book is that Badaga language finds extensive mention in old – purana – Tamil literature like ” Tholkaappiam” where it is clearly mentioned that Badaga was a separate language spoken in a northern nation to Tamil nadu called ‘VADAGAM ‘, the other ‘countries’ being Karnadagam, Konganam, Kudagam, Thuluvam, Telingam and Kalingam. The book is in Tamil and titled ‘படுக சமுதாயம் – Badaga Community. I came across another book on Badaga by Jakkanaarai SIVAJI RAMAN.